About the author

Welcome to “Spices for Mind.” I’m Tarek Mhiri. Just like how a blend of ingredients can enrich a recipe, my life has been a mix of diverse experiences. Diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) since my teenage years—a silent companion—I never let it diminish my spirit. From Tunisia, I embarked on an academic and professional journey, securing an engineering degree, and later, pursuing a deep dive into cybersecurity

Currently, I am deepening my knowledge in cybersecurity, focusing on digital safety and wellbeing—a crucial area for today’s tech-savvy generations. My professional path has led me through various roles in Tunisia and the USA, particularly as a project coordinator in the dynamic food industry. My journey through personal and professional growth has mirrored the complexities of life transitions faced by millennials and Gen Z, blending moments both bitter and sweet.

“Spices for Mind” is my platform to share insights and experiences to aid you in your path, especially if you’re navigating the intricacies of social and performance anxiety, digital safety, and life transitions. My aim is to stir understanding and offer support, drawing from my lived experiences and current studies. While I’m not a physician, I believe that my unique perspective can enrich your journey of self-discovery and healing in our digital world. Happy reading, and here’s to blending our stories for a richer taste of life!